Henry J rare find
Henry J Rare Find

Item located in: eBay Motors:Parts & Accessories:Parts:Car & Truck:Junk/Parts Cars

Currently $500.00   First bid $500.00
Quantity 1  # of bids 1 (bid history)
Time left 4 days, 4 hours +  Location Mustang Oklahoma
Country United States
Started Mar-19-01 20:27:23 PST  
Ends Mar-26-01 20:27:23 PST 
Henry J 53 with 51 quarter panels floor rusted out new rockers have been put in has grille garnish mouldings, some glass rear is good (only one that is curved) has good doors in car has trunk and glove box (deluxe model) build a gasser , street rod ? must pay auction within 5 days end, pay shipping, I can deliver within 150 miles for reasonable price 


Henry J rare find
Item #571782082
   Current bid: $ 500.00  
Bid increment: $ 10.00